Phishing alert: SELCO impersonators are sending fake texts about unauthorized transactions. As a reminder, SELCO never sends unsolicited text messages with links. If you receive one of these texts, please delete it immediately.

2024 tax forms have been mailed and are also available in digital banking by selecting "Documents & Statements" from the menu. Click here to learn more.

Prairie Mountain School classroom makeover recipient and children.

Meet the Winners of Our First Classroom Makeovers

We’re pleased to announce the recipients of our inaugural Classroom Makeovers program. With nearly $42,000 awarded to three educators in Oregon, SELCO is helping these schools reimagine their classrooms and, in turn, inspire their students.

Chains being unlocked over credit cards to show breaking free from debt.

Consolidate debt with a home-equity loan

Need a cost-effective way to rein in debt? Use your home's equity to consolidate your credit card and other high-interest debt into one loan. Right now, you can get 6.00% APR for six years when you convert part or all of your HELOC to a fixed loan.


as high as 3.75 % APY
See Certificate Rates and Terms

Car Loans

as low as 5.99 % New APR 6.74 % Used APR
See Auto Rates and Terms

Credit Cards

as low as 11.75 % APR
See Credit Card Rates and Terms

Whatever a good life means to you, we will help you get there.

Woman celebrating being able to skip a payment to catch up on her bills from the Holiday season.

Take a break from your loan payments

Hoping to catch up after the busy holiday shopping season? You can skip two skip payments over a 12-month rolling period on eligible SELCO loans. A $30 fee applies.

Woman sitting in front of a computer.

Add users to your business account

Need to add employees or business associates to your business account? With our Manage Users feature, you can share and manage users' access to your digital business banking.

Man sitting in front of a computer making sure his SELCO community credit union account is secure.

Keep your accounts and information safe

As the holiday season approaches, you can count on scammers redoubling their efforts to steal personal information. Visit our Security Center for an array of resources to help you stay a step ahead.

Resolve to save more new years resolution with piggy bank.

Resolve to save with Cultivate and Vault

Looking to set aside more this year? Our Cultivate and youth Vault accounts are great ways to maximize savings. Both accounts earn our highest possible rate and offer fun incentives to stick to your savings plan.

Financial tips and tools

Picture of man sitting down doing his taxes.

Tax Statements Coming Soon

Tax season is right around the corner. Your forms have been mailed and are available in digital banking. Visit our Tax Forms page for additional details.