Phishing alert: SELCO impersonators are sending fake texts about unauthorized transactions. As a reminder, SELCO never sends unsolicited text messages with links. If you receive one of these texts, please delete it immediately.
2024 tax forms have been mailed and are also available in digital banking by selecting "Documents & Statements" from the menu. Click here to learn more.
Apply Online
Already a SELCO member?
Apply quickly and securely through digital banking. Not enrolled in digital banking? Here's how to do it.
A family member lives in one of these counties (even if you don’t).
Your domestic partner is a member.
You’re a business.
When applying online, you’ll need:
A photo of your official ID (driver’s license, photo ID card, military ID, passport, or two pieces of foreign government-issued ID). Please bring your physical ID if applying in person.
Tell us a little about yourself, select the accounts you’d like to open, then submit your application. A team member will be in touch soon to help complete the process.
Of course, you can also visit any SELCO branch to become a member in person.