PHISHING ALERT: SELCO impersonators are using texts to request login credentials. As a reminder, SELCO will never contact you requesting sensitive information, including login credentials. For your security, always access digital banking from the website or mobile app. Learn more about text phishing here.

2024 tax forms have been mailed and are also available in digital banking by selecting "Documents & Statements" from the menu. Click here to learn more.

Blue checking accounts icon

Business Checking

Female business owner standing in front of shop

Business Checking

For start-ups or small businesses with fewer monthly drafts.

  • 100 drafts/100 deposits free per month ($0.15 per item after) 
  • No monthly fee with daily balance of $500 or avg. balance of $1,500 ($4 per month otherwise) 
Large enterprise business owner standing inside production facility

Business Checking Plus

For businesses with higher monthly draft volume and/or multiple SELCO accounts and services.

  • 500 drafts/500 deposits free per month ($0.15 per item after) 
  • No monthly fee with daily balance of $2,500 or avg. balance of $3,500 ($8 per month otherwise) 
Shipping facility business owner working inside shop

Account Analysis

Account Analysis checking is designed for businesses with larger balances and high-volume activity or those needing more complex products and services.

Mature man talks to a colleague

Beneficial Ownership Disclosure

Members who open new business accounts or apply for a new business loan for a legal entity are required to provide information about each individual with beneficial ownership. Learn what you'll need to provide and why.


A person's hands at a desk writing on a stack of paper.

5 Steps to Getting a Small Business Loan

The process of applying for a small-business loan can be confusing, but we’re here to help guide you through the process. Here are the five steps to getting a small business loan.

5 things to know about commercial loans.

5 Things to Know About Commercial Loans

Thinking about a commercial loan? There are a few things you'll need to know before you take your business to the next level, including the importance of working with a local lender.

What Does Credit Union Membership Mean?

There are many benefits of being a credit union member-owner. See what sets credit unions apart from other financial institutions.

Man shakes another's hand.

Bridging the Insurance Gap as an Older Worker

Losing (or leaving) your job is stressful enough, but figuring out health insurance during this gap can be overwhelming. Here's a guide to your options.