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Elevate Overdrafts and NSF Incidents

What happens if funds aren’t available when a transaction attempt occurs?

Elevate includes unlimited free overdraft transfers from your linked SELCO savings account. We’ll automatically transfer funds from your linked SELCO savings account to complete any transaction, as long as funds are available there. There’s no fee and these overdraft transfers won’t count against you for the purpose of meeting the graduation requirements.

What happens if I don’t have enough in Elevate OR savings to cover the transaction?

The answer depends on the transaction type and whether you’ve opted in for Elevate Courtesy Pay service.


Without Elevate Courtesy Pay:

With Elevate Courtesy Pay:

Scheduled ACH payment


The transaction will be declined. While SELCO won’t charge an NSF fee, your payee may. This will count as an NSF incident in tracking your progress toward graduation.


We’ll tap your $100 allowance, if available, to cover the payment. If funds are still not available, the transaction will be declined. While SELCO won’t charge an NSF fee, your payee may. This will count as an NSF incident in tracking your progress toward graduation.

Recurring debit card transaction


One-time debit card transaction


The transaction will be declined.


The transaction will be declined.

ATM withdrawal