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Affordable Sustainability, Part 2: Going Organic

Forming Money Habits

Here are six ways to shop organic on a budget.

It’s not unusual to walk right past the organic foods sections in a grocery store—after all, the cost of groceries is high enough without the added premium.

Two women at a farmer's marketBut going organic—whether for health, environmental, or taste reasons—doesn’t mean you have to be a big spender. Here are ways to go organic on a budget.

Prioritize your purchases 

If you’re on a tight budget, you likely won’t be able to go completely organic all at once. Start with what’s most important to you, then move on to another area as your budget allows.

Buy in bulk 

Look for bulk bins at your local natural grocery store for steep savings on all things organic. If you’re unable to get through all your bulk organic purchases before they go bad, you can always partner with a friend and split the costs.           

Shop the seasons 

In-season produce generally tastes, well, fresher than off-season fruits and vegetables—it can really bring down your grocery bill, too, even if it’s organic. A quick Google search can tell you what’s in season in your area.

Shop a farmer’s market 

Your neighborhood farmer’s market is a great place to find fresh, locally grown organic produce at affordable prices. As a bonus, you’ll be supporting local business.

Stalk your favorites on social media 

Brands will alert followers to fantastic deals that may otherwise be missed. If you find an organic food brand you love, follow it on your favorite social media channel. You’ll never miss a sale that way.

Look for store brands 

Many grocery stores now offer their own line of organic products. These tend to be cheaper (in some cases much cheaper) than their name-brand counterparts.

Part 3: Making Your Home More Efficient

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