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Education Articles

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Education Articles


Certificate Rewards: Earn More When You Save with SELCO

Are you a seasoned saver with a variety of deposit accounts at multiple financial institutions? Do your household’s financial accounts—from IRAs to money markets, college savings to certificates—require a spreadsheet to manage? Why not consolidate your savings at SELCO, simplify your banking, and enjoy an automatic boost of up to 0.50% on our...
Planning Your Future Forming Money Habits

The Ins and Outs of 401K Withdrawals and Loans

With inflation hitting a 40-year high earlier this year, the cost of making ends meet rose considerably. In response, recent legislation made it easier to tap into a 401K retirement plan for immediate needs, creating additional penalty-free early-access points to retirement savings. As a result, a record number of Americans have  turned to their...
Planning Your Future Forming Money Habits

What to Buy and What to Skip in September

September is a banner month for deals. Labor Day sales kick off the month, and retailers do their best to lure shoppers with bargain prices on items like mattresses and jeans after the back-to-school frenzy has died down. Here’s what to buy and what to skip in September.  What to Buy Plants. Garden centers start making room for autumn and holida...
Planning Your Future Forming Money Habits

What to Buy and What to Skip in August

Summer is winding down (but not necessarily cooling down), and the start of the school year draws near. And that means back-to-school deals are in full force while summer-clearance items are equally abundant. Here’s what to buy and what to skip in August. What to Buy   Back-to-school supplies. Beyond your garden-variety pencils, pens, and paper...
Planning Your Future Forming Money Habits

Boost Your Savings with Two New High-Yield Savings Accounts

Way-above-market rates for Cultivate and Vault are helping savers of all ages get on the right track Looking to build an emergency fund or give your child a financial head start? SELCO recently introduced two new tools for jumpstarting savings. Our new Cultivate and revamped Vault youth savings accounts deliver exceptional annual percentage yiel...
Planning Your Future Forming Money Habits

3 Ways to Build a Rainy-Day Fund

You’ve likely heard the saying, “Save for a rainy day.” But what do they really mean by “rainy day”? Not to be confused with an emergency fund , a rainy-day fund is designed to cover smaller, unexpected expenses (think: car repairs, replacing an appliance, vet bills, etc.) without affecting your monthly budget.  The actual saving part can be a...
Planning Your Future Forming Money Habits

What to Buy and What to Skip in July

Summer is in full swing, as are the bargains in July. This month has a lot to offer, from all things red, white, and blue to clothing for the rest of summer and back-to-school items. Here’s what to buy and what to skip in July.  What to Buy Patriotic items. Not only do major retailers hold sales on July 4, but you can also find bargains galore o...
Planning Your Future Forming Money Habits

What to Buy and What to Skip in June

This may come as a surprise, but June is a great time to pick up a few essentials for the warmer months. Swimwear, Father’s Day outings, and fresh produce are among the seasonal items you can snap up at a nice price this month. Here’s what to buy and what to skip in June. What to Buy Swimwear. Get ready to hit the beach or pool in style. Believe...
Planning Your Future Forming Money Habits

Common Savings Terms (and What They Really Mean)

When finding the best fit for your savings goals, it helps to know the lingo. You likely know what a savings account is, but how it—and other savings options—works can be confusing. That also goes for common financial terms we often see but aren’t often explained (or explained clearly). So, let’s take a look at a few savings-related terms—both...
Planning Your Future Forming Money Habits

Realistic (Financial) New Year’s Resolutions

On the search for doable, practical resolutions that could be a major boon to your financial journey? This is the perfect time to add some resolutions to help you save, be informed, and plan ahead.

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