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Education Articles
Whether you're simply financially curious or have a specific goal in mind, you've come to the right place. Check out the most recent articles just below or filter by category using the dropdown.
If you’re in your 20s, retirement may seem too far off to worry about. Besides, you probably have more immediate concerns, like student loans, car loans, and credit card debt. And if you’re in your 30s or 40s, you may be more focused on buying a house and raising children than on retirement planning. But the sooner you get into the habit of savi...
With the highest rates in years, CDs are well worth a look. Not only are SELCO’s certificate rates among the best anywhere, if our rates rise within 30 days, we'll automatically increase yours. Rewind to the early 1980s. The United States was feeling the sting of two full-blown recessions . Inflation rates hovered around 10–13% and interest rate...
In an age of plastic spending and mobile payments, living within your means can easily slide into living beyond your means. And many of us fall into this trap without realizing it. Getting out of this trap can be “easier said than done,” said Nick Manley, Financial Advisor for SELCO Investment & Retirement Services. “Living within your means...
They’re so easy to use, they almost seem too good to be true. Is there a catch? With Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL) services, you can walk away with that expensive exercise bike, entertainment system, sectional sofa, or anything else that catches your eye, even if you can’t cover the costs in the moment. And in return, retailers can make more sales b...
What would you rather have—several hundred dollars in monthly payments spread across all your credit cards or one smaller payment over a set number of years? If you’re a homeowner, a home equity line of credit (HELOC) may be what you need to reel in debt. A HELOC can be more than just a means of improving or renovating your home—it’s also a...
If you haven’t heard, cryptocurrency is the flavor of the month in the investment world. More than 20 million Americans own some form of cryptocurrency . With Bitcoin leading the way, the global market capitalization of crypto is hovering around $2 trillion. El Salvador became the first country to adopt Bitcoin as legal tender . Crypto was...
A certificate of deposit (CD), similar to a certificate at credit unions, is a safe way to invest money for a fixed period of time at a specified interest rate. There’s a lot CDs have to offer (and not only for those with money to burn). Interest rates have been on the rise as of late, so there’s no time like now to consider this investment...
It should come as no surprise that college tuition costs are rising, but the extent to which these costs are outpacing inflation can be alarming. In the past 30 years, the average cost of tuition at public four-year institutions has more than tripled. And this doesn’t even account for costs of housing, books, meals, etc. If the trend continues...
If you’re like many Americans, chances are you put saving on your back burner the past couple years. The personal savings rate, which measures the percentage of your disposable income that you save, has historically averaged 8.45% from 1959 until now. For obvious reasons, that rate soared to 33% during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020...
The end of the year (or beginning of a new year) is a great time to take a look at your household’s budget and start planning for the new year. Whether you’re creating a new budget from scratch or reviewing previous months’ expenses, it’s helpful to consider if those expenses fall into the category of a want or a need . What’s the difference?...