PHISHING ALERT: SELCO impersonators are using texts to request login credentials. As a reminder, SELCO will never contact you requesting sensitive information, including login credentials. For your security, always access digital banking from the website or mobile app. Learn more about text phishing here.

2024 tax forms have been mailed and are also available in digital banking by selecting "Documents & Statements" from the menu. Click here to learn more.

Make a Mobile Deposit

  1. Step 1

    Tap Deposit. 

    Make a Mobile Deposit Step 1
  2. Step 2

    After reviewing and accepting the disclosure, complete the required fields. 

    Make a mobile deposit step 2
  3. Step 3

    Follow the instructions for photographing the front and back of your check, then tap Deposit. For tips on how to capture optimal check images, check out this article under the "Ease" subheading.

    Make a mobile deposit step 3
  4. Step 4

    To view images of your deposited checks, select the account into which you made your deposit, tap View Deposit Checks, and there’s your check.