PHISHING ALERT: SELCO impersonators are using texts to request login credentials. As a reminder, SELCO will never contact you requesting sensitive information, including login credentials. For your security, always access digital banking from the website or mobile app. Learn more about text phishing here.

2024 tax forms have been mailed and are also available in digital banking by selecting "Documents & Statements" from the menu. Click here to learn more.

Blue checking accounts icon

Payment Protection

Cash and a car key

Keep your payments and loved ones covered

If the unexpected happens, credit life & disability insurance can step in to:  

  • Make loan payments (up to policy maximums) if you become disabled due to a covered injury or illness. 
  • Pay or reduce your loan balance (up to policy maximums) if you pass away. 
  • Lessen the financial strain on your family. 

You can apply for coverage any time, and premiums are included with your monthly payment. 


Woman walking with small girl

7 Life Insurance Misconceptions

Don't be fooled by common myths and misunderstandings about life insurance. Whatever your unique needs, it doesn’t hurt to give what you’ve heard additional thought.

Looking over insurance.

Is My Insurance Enough When Disaster Strikes?

When natural disasters do hit, insurance may not always be enough in their aftermath. Here are three insurance pitfalls and what you can do to remedy them.

Older man giving young boy piggyback ride.

Passing On the Story of You

Legacy planning is a complex process that allows you to create a lasting gift for your heirs that goes well beyond financial matters.

5 Ways It Pays to Have Your Own Insurance Agent

Explore the five major benefits of having your own agent from an organization like SELCO Insurance Services.

Your purchase of MEMBER’S CHOICE® Credit Life and Credit Disability Insurance, underwritten by CMFG Life Insurance Company (Home Office: Waverly, IA), is optional and will not affect your application for credit or the terms of any credit agreement required to obtain a loan. Certain eligibility requirements, conditions, and exclusions may apply. Please contact your loan representative or refer to the Group Policy for a full explanation of the terms. Base Policy Nos. CI-MP-POL, CI-SP-POL, B3a-830-0996, B3a-800-0695, B3a-800-0288, CI-MP-CE-POL; CI-MP-OE-CC-POL; CI-MP-OE-POL; B3a-800-0992. 

SELCO partners with Acuity Insurance, Foremost Insurance Group, Oregon Mutual Insurance, PEMCO Insurance, Progressive, Safeco, Travelers, Grange, National General, and many more carriers.

Insurance products and services are offered through and underwritten by SELCO Group Inc., dba SELCO Insurance Services, a wholly owned subsidiary of SELCO Community Credit Union. Business conducted with SELCO Group Inc., dba SELCO Insurance Services, is separate and distinct from any business conducted with SELCO Community Credit Union. Products offered through SELCO Group Inc., dba SELCO Insurance Services, are not NCUA/NCUSIF or otherwise federally insured, and are not guarantees or obligations of SELCO Community Credit Union. Any insurance required as a condition of an extension of credit by SELCO Community Credit Union may be purchased from an agent or insurance company of the member’s choice.