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Round-Up Savings & Match

Round up savings steps.

How round-up savings works

For each posted point-of-sale purchase, we’ll round the price up to the next whole dollar. At the end of each day, we’ll combine the rounded-up amounts and transfer the total to your designated savings account.

Transaction reversals also affect the round-up transfer. Each posted reversal will be rounded up to the next whole dollar, totaled, and subtracted from the day’s round-up savings. If the new total is negative, the transfer won’t happen.

If a round-up transfer exceeds your Link account’s available balance, we'll only transfer the available amount (we will not take your account negative).

Grow savings with round up match image of debits and credits.

Grow your savings faster with round-up match

If you have Link Checking, we’ll also match your round-up savings up to $7/month by meeting a few requirements (enroll in eStatements, use direct deposit or ACH to deposit at least $250 into your Link account each month, and use your SELCO debit or credit card to make 12 or more purchases each month).