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Popular Holiday Scams (and How to Avoid Them)

Ah, the holidays … a time for sharing, celebrating, and gift-giving (sometimes spending more than you’d planned). It’s also when scammers looking for personal information step up their game. As much as we look forward to the holidays, scammers enjoy this time of year as well. After all, it’s natural to let your security slip a little when you’re...

4 Activities with Coins

Learn all about coins with these four interactive activities , fostering knowledge of coin values, recognition, and creative exploration . These activities are perfect for children ages 3-7.    1. Money Tic-Tac-Toe   Draw a tic-tac-toe board and use coins as the markers! As you play, trade coins for each game, identifying their different values...

Wants vs. Needs

It’s a good habit to consider whether an item is a “need” or “want” before putting down your hard-earned money. But first you need to learn the difference between the two!

Plan a Meal

What does financial education have to do with cooking? Well, a lot, it turns out! With this activity, created especially for kids ages 8-12, you’ll satisfy your taste buds while also sharpening your financial skills. Get ready to unleash your creativity, make thoughtful decisions, and discover the power of smart money management.  

Is My Insurance Enough When Disaster Strikes?

The Pacific Northwest has its share of natural disasters. Because of their unpredictable nature, they should serve as a good reminder to be prepared. If you feel like you’re not ready for the next big one, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has a detailed guide for improving personal preparedness at . When natural disaster...