We are proud to provide 44 educators nearly $82,000 in grants to fund their creative class projects. Congratulations to the recipients and thank you to all of the educators in our communities dedicated to finding innovative ways to teach their students.
If you have any questions, please email stepsup@selco.org.
Arts and Technology Academy
- Rose Abbey, “Redefine, Revitalize & Reignite Reading for 6th Grade” — Expanding students' love of learning by expanding our classroom library choices for struggling readers!
Cascade Middle School
- Anthony Cisneros, “The Cougar Cart: Fueling Future Entrepreneurs” — Empowering middle school students to gain hands-on experience in business development, management, and communication as they design, launch, and operate a student-run store.
Century High School
- Ana Sally Gonzalez Barragan, “Culturally and Linguistically Inclusive History: Supporting Multilingual Learning” — Adapting learning through a linguistically inclusive history classroom project through a Spanish-language library of texts, maps, and headphones for engagement with audio.
Cottage Grove High School
- Brian Vollmer-Buhl, “Code of the Animals” — Learning and using coding to program a simple robot to complete tasks that mimic animal behavior and collect experimental data.
Crow Applegate Elementary School
- Gloria Carroll, “Library Makeover” — Revolutionizing our school's library into a dynamic and inclusive learning hub.
Eddyville Charter School
- Stephanie Austin, “Invasive Green Crab Citizen Science Project” — Getting biology students out in the field collecting real data for real scientists on invasive species populations in the local community.
Elmira Elementary School
- Alisa Johnson, “VersaTile Centers” — Using Versatiles, a hands-on learning system, to enhance reading and math skills for 1st and 2nd Graders.
Eugene School District Elementary Schools
- Kerri Sage, “Conflict Resolution Time Machine on Every 4J Elementary Playground” — Teaching students how to engage in a healthy conversation by walking them through the steps to conflict resolution.
Fairfield Elementary School
- Lauren Boettger, “Fighting the Literacy Crisis” — Providing students with the opportunity to be agents of change in their life by providing high-quality literacy resources.
Fern Ridge Middle School
- Garren Piccolo, “Innovative Automotive Engineering: Building Working Model Engines and Small EV Cars” — Engaging middle school students in hands-on automotive engineering by building working model engines and small electric vehicles (EVs).
Franklin High School
- Greg Garcia, “Franklin Historical Society” — Giving students an opportunity to make history for the benefit of their community by chronicling the past's lost chapters.
Frenchglen Elementary School
- Carolyn Whitney, “Frenchglen Foodies” — Integrating science, social science, math and writing to creatively adventure with food for real life application of learning including experiences with a certified chef.
Gilham Elementary School
- Brian Gulka, “Sky's the Limit!” — Immersing students in hands-on experiments through an engaging flight and rocketry unit for 5th graders, culminating in a thrilling launch.
Hamlin Middle School
- John Sperry, “Loggers Live Broadcasting Project” — Producing a high-quality broadcast channel for teaching students broadcasting as content creators and providing meaningful information to students, staff, families, and the community in general.
Harrisburg High School
- Janna Swigart, “Cultural Cooking Classes” — Getting hands-on experience cooking savory foods.
High Desert Middle School
- Joe Albano, “HDMS Skate Club” — Letting students shred during the day while learning about parts of the skate industry and life skills that can provide future goals and motivation.
High Lakes Elementary School
- Brian Horton, “Strider bikes with pedal kits” — Creating a supportive, engaging, inclusive environment and lifelong fitness skill of riding a bike, which builds confidence in student learning and development.
John Tuck Elementary School
- Susan Gotshall, “Literacy Without Limits: Dyslexia Book Project” — Creating a diverse collection of engaging literature for students who are dyslexic and their families.
Juniper Elementary School
- Maddi Webb, “Optimus Primary” — Bringing our Kinder and 1st Grades into the fold with Robotics and STEM learning, as a Technology Magnet school!
Keizer Elementary School
- Danielle Rabenberg, “Culture Club” — Engaging all students K-5 learn about world culture and languages and grow a deep appreciation for the diversity amongst students, families and staff.
Lane School/Lane ESD Transitions Program
- Anna Shea, “Becoming Real World Problem Solvers Through Hands-on STEAM Exploration” — Developing a Maker Space where students can construct hands-on, project based exploration through STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) learning.
Lundy Elementary School
- Kimberly Anderson, “Literacy for Littles” — Providing fiction and non-fiction books that young readers can actually read, that allows them to practice the skills that they are learning in an engaging way.
Meadow Ridge Elementary School
- Jessica Hanslovan, “Vertical Ninja Block Adapted and Regular PE” — Enabling students to use their strength to climb (safely) and challenge themselves and their peers to be stronger, faster, and more physically fit.
- Autumn Quinto, “Tinker Tar to Guitar: Stringed Instruments for Young Musicians” — Through ensemble one-string guitar playing, this project will help young musicians grow into confident artists, composers, and collaborators--fostering pride, ownership, and teamwork while nurturing fine motor skills and creative confidence.
Memorial Middle School
- Trevor Hast, “Drum Circles” — Providing a "hands on" and engaging learning experience through drum circles in our social studies class.
- Phil Schapker Mendez, “The Alt Ed Biodiversity Project” — Establishing an outdoor ecological laboratory and collaborative community space that connects the Middle School Alt Ed Program, Life Skills, LRC, AVID, and the general student body.
- Ryan Toepfer, “Bouncy Bands” — Alleviating anxiety and hyperactivity, while increasing students' concentration through the original Bouncy Band for chairs, enabling kids to have an outlet for excess energy while working.
North Marion Primary School
- Cecilia Carrillo, “Snap Into Reading” — Increasing reading skills and comprehension by augmenting students' engagement and excitement while learning high frequency words with SnapWords.
- Jaime Vredenburg, “Enhancing Early Literacy Through Meaningful Manipulatives” — Practicing a dynamic and hands-on approach to early literacy through Meaningful Manipulatives for first and second graders.
Pacific Crest Middle School
- Carey Kraybill, "Woodshop" — Project-based learning for students to practicing critical CTE skills of communication, collaboration, precision measurement, and woodworking while designing and building airplanes out of balsa wood and 3D printed parts.
Prairie Mountain School
- Jenifer Gerlach, “Strumming up Excitement with Ukuleles” — Creating young musicians through ukulele strumming and singing, allowing students to collaborate and compose together, while developing the brain in music-only unique ways.
- Amanda Zacharek, “Inclusive Universal Design for our 4th Grade Classrooms” — Creating Universally Designed classroom spaces that allow all students, regardless of physical ability or neurodiversity, to adjust their learning environment to their sensory processing needs.
Redmond Proficiency Academy
- Tamara Bremont, “Project Stop the Bleed: Teaching Teens to Save Lives” — Providing realistic limb training devices to teach students how to control severe bleeding and save lives in critical moments before paramedics arrive.
Riverview Elementary School
- Tabitha Ramirez, “Inclusive Reading: Books for ALL” — Providing books in students native language and creating cultural representation within the classroom.
Salem Heights Elementary School
- Audri Myers, “Rascal Den: A Calming Sensory Environment” — Providing an inclusive sensory space, available to all students, that offers a variety of options for meeting the basic, social-emotional, and sensory needs of our diverse group of students.
Springfield High School
- Pauline Pham, “SHS Daily Grind - A Student-Led Enterprise” — Fueling students with fresh brews and cool vibes while teaching them skills in restaurant entrepreneurship, retail, marketing, business, customer service, and finance.
- Danielle Schneider, “Pathways to Reading Proficiency” — Enhancing reading proficiency by providing high-interest, low-reading-level books tailored to engage diverse students, foster a love for reading, and build a supportive community of readers.
St. Francis of Assisi Catholic School
- Kacie Ryan, “Broadcast Journalism” — Providing middle school students with the equipment needed to write, produce, and broadcast a school TV news report for weekly announcements and special reports.
St. Paul Catholic School
- Tara Barsotti, “Classroom Garden Tower” — Providing an opportunity for students to grow vegetables all year using an aeroponic growing system for the classroom.
Taft Middle and High School
- Laura Blair, “Celebrating Native American Heritage on the Coast” — Fostering a sense of pride and belonging among Native American students while introducing others to the rich culture of the Pacific Northwest tribes.
Twin Oaks Elementary School
- Anya Kean, “Twin Oaks Library Supplies and Books” — Protecting and restoring material for our library and provide new material to meet our student's needs.
West Union Elementary School
- Kimberly Harrington, “Legos: The Hidden Integrated Curriculum” — Using Legos to design an island village and completing integrated tasks about each village using writing, math, and the arts as learning modalities.
Westside Village Magnet School
- Mandy Weston, “Inspiring Future Entrepreneurs” — Purchasing a 3D printer, allowing students to create products for launching their own small businesses.
Whitworth Elementary School
- Ellen Lewing, “Jump-Starting our Day with Zumba!” — Providing "Zumba Kids" training to incorporate more movement into Elementary Music & PE classrooms.