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2021 SELCO Scholarship recipients
Brad Alexander
Ridgeview High SchoolRedmond, OR
Derek Anderson
Elmira High SchoolElmira, OR
Morgan Berg
Mountain View High SchoolBend, OR
Eliza Black
South Eugene High SchoolEugene, OR
Griffin Brand
South Eugene High SchoolEugene, OR
Catherine Codding
South Eugene High SchoolEugene, OR
Brooke Donner
West Albany High SchoolAlbany, OR
Lucas Forshee
Waldport High SchoolWaldport, OR
Bryson Forsman
Elmira High SchoolElmira, OR
Scout Gesuale
Bend Senior High SchoolBend, OR
Holden Greenfield
Mountain View High SchoolBend, OR
Courtney Haffner
Elmira High SchoolElmira, OR
Megan Lawver
Baker Early CharterEugene, OR
Adelaide Liebhardt
Winston Churchill High SchoolEugene, OR
William Nyman
Summit High SchoolBend, OR
Lucy Plahn
Lowell High SchoolFall Creek, OR
Baird Quinn
South Eugene High SchoolEugene, OR
Ethan Sloan
South Eugene High SchoolEugene, OR
Rattapat Thongthaengthai
Springfield High SchoolSpringfield, ORRichard Metzler Opportunity Scholarship Recipient