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Education Articles

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Education Articles


5 Reasons It’s a Better Time Than You Think to Buy a Home

Home prices and interest rates are bound to go down if I wait, right? It’s the question most first-time buyers are asking right now—and understandably so. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the answer is anything but straightforward. The question can be partially answered by the fact that Oregon's housing production shortage is among the worst in the natio...
Planning Your Future Owning a Home

How to Spot (and Stop) Mortgage Junk Mail

When you finalize the purchase of a home, your information becomes public record—and on comes the junk mail. The good news is there are ways to spot (and stop) mortgage junk mail.

Owning a Home Protecting Your Information

10 Tips for Finding the Right Contractor

The pool of independent contractors is deep, so do your homework for a good fit. The time has come. You just can’t look at your outdated kitchen with mismatched appliances, countertops, and cabinets any longer. You’ve watched endless YouTube videos on kitchen remodels. Do you  hire a professional or do it yourself ? Will you need a  home equity...
Owning a Home

Priced Out of An Upgrade? Elevated Home Values Mean You Have Options

The housing market continues to cool, slowly trending from a white-hot seller's market to a more neutral market. However, home values remain high across the United States, especially in Oregon. On the surface, this is great news for existing homeowners (who can argue with extra equity?). But if you also factor in high mortgage interest rates...
Owning a Home

Understanding VA Loans

The US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) offers many financial benefits to military veterans. One of the more significant benefits is a VA mortgage loan. How does a VA loan work? And how is it different from a conventional mortgage? At its base level, a VA loan allows veterans and their families to purchase a home at a lower interest rate...
Planning Your Future Owning a Home Knowing Your Payment Options

Do It Yourself or Hire a Pro?

Many of us have been there: You stare at your old and tired tiled/carpeted floors and think, “I wonder if I could put in new hardwood floors.” Or maybe you’re house hunting and find THE ONE, but it could use a serious upgrade inside and out. Again, can you make any of those improvements yourself? (Side note:  Fall  or  winter  can be great times...
Owning a Home

Knowing Your Home Improvement Options

As spring turns to summer, Oregon's natural beauty is in full view. Is it time to spruce up your home to match that splendor? Depending on the scope of the project, home improvements can be both time-consuming and costly. And many use their home’s equity to acquire the funds needed to complete the project. Home equity lines of credit (HELOCs) ,...
Planning Your Future Owning a Home Knowing Your Payment Options

Buying a Home During Winter

Spring and summer are the most popular seasons for house-hunting. But winter has its upsides. But that shouldn’t stop you from looking for your dream home as the temperatures drop. Though icy driveways and snowed-out open houses can be less than thrilling, there might be some surprising benefits to purchasing a home during the coldest time of...
Planning Your Future Owning a Home

Is Now the Time to Refinance?

The benefits of refinancing locally could make the difference. In mid-2022, the Federal Reserve began raising interest rates in an effort to reduce inflation. By October 2023, the average 30-year fixed mortgage rate climbed to 7.79%, the highest it had been in the 21 st century since topping out at 8.64% in 2000. Those surges put homeowners...
Planning Your Future Owning a Home

Have a Plan Before Flooding, Other Disasters Strike

Early fall is a time to annually promote family and community disaster planning. Every autumn, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) stresses the importance of preparing for unexpected disasters and emergencies with National Preparedness Month. In 2022, the theme was “ A Lasting Legacy ," the latest reminder for all Americans to stop an...
Planning Your Future Owning a Home