Thinking about applying for a loan? You’ll want to pay close attention to your credit score. But what is a credit score? And why does it matter? In short, your credit score demonstrates to lenders how likely you are to pay back a loan. The higher the score, the better you look to a lender, which often means better rates and terms on a loan. Read...
Frequently asked questions (FAQs) about transfers and payments. Including how to send or receive wire transfers and where to locate routing and account numbers.
Frequently asked questions (FAQs) about contactless cards—how they work, where they're accepted, and more.
Frequently asked questions (FAQs) about your privacy as a SELCO member (and how we protect it).
BEND, Ore. ( — SELCO Community Credit Union will demolish a SW Century Drive building to make way for a new branch office designed around consumers’ modern banking habits.