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Driving for Uber or Lyft? Make Sure You’re Insured

Popular rideshare services like Uber and Lyft are now available in larger cities across Oregon, including Eugene. And for many people, becoming a driver is an attractive way to pick up a little extra spending money. You’ll want to make sure you’re prepared for the associated costs, and that you and your customers are protected, to make it a smoo...

Springfield - Thurston

Find out the location, business hours, and features of our Thurston Branch in Springfield.

What Does Credit Union Membership Mean?

When credit unions profit, so do you. There are more than 4,500 credit unions in the United States, yet doubt continues to creep into many people's minds about whether their structure and services (including digital tools) can stand up to larger banks. SELCO and other credit unions continue to gather momentum—and set themselves apart from...

Recreational Vehicles Made for Winter Adventure Seekers

The long-range winter forecast for the Pacific Northwest calls for mostly mild, dry conditions. But that doesn't mean there won't be any outdoor adventures to be had. You may just need to head inland a bit to find the snow. Perhaps memories are still fresh of your younger self cutting through snowdrifts in a snowmobile or ATV. Or the thrill neve...

Apply for a Vehicle Loan

Finance your next auto loan with a local Oregon credit Union. Let us help you get to your destination with a car, boat, motorcycle, or RV loan.