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Is Now the Time to Refinance?

The benefits of refinancing locally could make the difference. In mid-2022, the Federal Reserve began raising interest rates in an effort to reduce inflation. By October 2023, the average 30-year fixed mortgage rate climbed to 7.79%, the highest it had been in the 21 st century since topping out at 8.64% in 2000. Those surges made for tough...

Redmond - North

Applying for a Classroom Makeover

Time to Rethink Your Savings Strategy

If you’re like many Americans, chances are you put saving on your back burner the past couple years. The personal savings rate, which measures the percentage of your disposable income that you save, has historically averaged 8.45% from 1959 until now. For obvious reasons, that rate soared to 33% during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020...

5 Smart Investing Strategies

Join our local experts to learn how to potentially maximize returns and secure your financial future with actionable tips and techniques as you navigate the investment process.